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Be You, For You

Kat Norwood

Caution: Further reading may cause inner joy, elevation, and openness.

Have you ever thought about who you are? Like who you really are?... Did you just pause and think about that?...

(I did as I type it, here).

Are you authentically living your life as you should be?



Are you having an inner monologue with yourself? "Kat, what do you mean?.... I think I am!?"

GOOD, it's what I was hoping for! Keep reading!


Not to get all philosophical on ya, but when you think about life, and totally strip it down to the CORE...the one reason YOU are here on earth, in this life time... is to be YOU.

You are here to share and express your love, ideas, passions, opinions, energy, etc. with whomever you choose to interact with + continue to make part of your life (i.e. friends, family, co workers, etc.)

What a powerful way to think about yourself, right!?

Unless you are some who sits, journals + mediates often enough to self reflect. The thought probably doesn't enter your mind regularly. Therefore, you're never really forced to answer "Who am I + am I truly happy"... am I right!?


As I continue to find myself + love for myself (its a daily journey); I am learning that listening to and communicating how I feel and what I value is the purest form of self expression and positivity.

While loving myself more each day has brought joy + happiness to my life; it has also created space for new opportunities. The new space is the result of a shift in my mindset. A shift from>>

"what is this person going to think of me if I say this?" or "what will my friends think of me if I do this?"

"what will clients think of me If I post this"

I'm no longer consumed with other people's opinions of me as express myself + love myself. NOT DOIN IT! Give it a Try it's really so freeing!!

Back to my original question, "who are you?" I can't say that I have fully mastered this answer. However, I have been able to make progress towards being myself + cultivating a greater sense of awareness by paying attention to my feelings and deeper senses. This has helped me build a stronger connection with my true self (not the self I thought I needed to be for others). My truth, like yours, deserves to be shared and expressed, authentically with the world.

...Cue The Girl's Club +

The concept of "be yourself, everyone else is taken" is a common thread in self help and wellness space. I hope this this message is available for you in our connection here at The Girl's Club.

How To Be MORE Yourself In 3 Easy steps:

1) Check your labels.

And no, I'm not talking about your food...but do that, too!

The messages you are telling yourself about who you are, have 100% influence on your behavior and self perception. Even if it's not something self deprecating, the message you tell yourself are then shared with the world, thus holding you back from doing certain things.

So loose the type of statements like "this is just who I am" or "I just don't do that, its not me". This is an example of fear of judgement from others creepin' in!

It's time you make "it" who you are, if that's what you want!

2) Open Yourself Up

Get a little vulnerable. Admit to yourself that you may have no effing clue who you are! That's totally OK! This is genuine!

Be comfortable in not knowing who you are while discovering yourself. Explore what you value + stick to your beliefs, rather than conforming to fit in. (This is a HUGE challenge). Start small, for example, maybe it's as simple as not laughing at a joke that was hurtful or inappropriate.

3) Girl, You're a Star!

Think about yourself as the STAR of the amazing production titled "Life". There's NO other person that can play "you" as well as you can! Everyone has a role that they are meant to play. Staying true to your role will only heighten your level of content, and self satisfaction in "Life".

So, no matter who you are reading this, no matter which stage of life you're in...YOU! and the person YOU are, is so special.

Know and truly believe that!

You have your own gifts, style, twist, method, swag (WHATEVER you want to call it) to share with the world!


XO, Kat


The Girl's Club!

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