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Does it have to be ALL or NOTHING?

Kat Norwood

I mean we aren't here to half ass anything! But give yourself a break!

As a former fitness model and competitor. I have so much respect for the hard core and strict gym grind… I was on the team #nodaysoff. (I guess technically, if you are on prep for a show, then you don’t really have a choice.)

I have competed in 3 fitness competitions back to back to back until I earned my Pro Card in 2015.

Stage shot of WBFF Fitness Atlantic Competition where I won my Pro card.

Coming out of shows prep was always tricky for me (as it is for most women). There is a fine mental line we dance between the “treat yo self” and “get your shit together”.

If you have competed, then you know exactly what I am talking about. When your abs start to disappear, but the oreos!!... Oooh! those oreos… they taste sooo good!

I found myself stuck in the mindset of 'Well, I'll only eat a cheat meal on Sunday." Which turned into a full on cheat day...It used to be all (the Oreos) or nothing, literally!

We've talked about this mess before...


Regardless, finding some happy medium was tough for me for a few years. I fully admit, I was that girl at the gym that felt like I needed to spend 2 hours on leg day in order to get in a “good” workout.

Pfftttt! #Aintnobodygottimeforthat! Oddly enough, pregnancy was just what my mind and body and needed to reset.

My experience in competitive fitness was one I will always be proud of and thankful for the lessons it taught me about the kind of person I am. However, I had become accustomed to value the physical and aesthetic look of “fitness”, rather than it's actual benefits.

Right after Mia was born, I went to a local yoga studio for a relaxing yoga session and guided mediation. In the past, I usually did a yoga binge, where I would go for like 2-3 weeks straight and then fall off and continue on with my regular “gym grind”. But not this time, I found yoga was a space for me to explore my inner thoughts, reengage with who I am and figure out where I am going (more on this later).

Not going to lie, I put a lot of pressure on myself to lose the weight I had gained during my pregnancy. Having been forced to have an unexpected C-Section, definitely set me back, which gave me even more anxiety. I can now admit, I fully underestimated the mind-body connection of getting active… even if my activity was just some glute kick backs or calf raises as I hung over my daughters crib making sure she got back to sleep. Much to my surprise, my baby weight was falling off and my body was starting to slowly take shape again! I started using full body movements and plyometrics to get in as much as possible, whenever I could... I felt A-MAZE-ING!

I began to realize what a fool I was when I was wasting all of my time at the gym, because I used to think it was the only way to look and feel good.

Now as mom, with even less time than ever, (I sometimes only have 30-45 minutes for a workout) I make the best of it. Trying new types of classes, doing at- home workouts or taking a jog with The Girl in her stroller. No matter what I'm doing, I put in work and feel great afterwards knowing I did not cheat myself. So, if I cannot make it to the gym some days, I am OK with that now.

I know I just need some type of activity to fuel my mind and my body…we all do! I also know that my body will not go to shit if I miss a leg day, (it took me a while to get here). Lastly, I now know that getting in some type of physical activity is certainly better than nothing!

With this new shift in my mindset, I can honestly say, I have more self confidence and the best body image I’ve ever had…yes even after a baby!

How did I get here? I take it day by day and do the best I can, all while feeling grateful for my body and what it allows me to do.

Take action on your to do list!

Ladies, do not limit your mind or beliefs to this “all or nothing” mindset. While the reality of life may mean you have long "to do" lists and big personal goals. Keeping a rigid mindset about your method to get it all done now, is simply unrealistic! Thus causing more self doubt and disappointment.

When it comes to anything in life, (weight loss, eating well, exercising, reading more, starting a business, etc) taking action is the only way to provoke change of any sort. You are much better off taking ‘little chunk of your all’ rather than ‘none of your all’. Whatever your "all"may be!

Go on Girl,

XO, Kat

(mom, oreo lover, doer)

The Girl's Club!

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