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Getting Started: 4 Useful Tips To Get You Started Towards Reaching Your Goals

Kat Norwood

Here are 4 simple steps to take, in order to get your juices flowin’ on whatever ignites your soul!

You can start today by applying these 4 principles:

1. Positive Vibes only!

It’s unfortunate the unbalanced ratio of positivity vs. negativity we are exposed to daily. Make sure you have an abundance of positive vibes on your daily path. Some easy hacks are as simple as placing a cute motivational mantra on the wall in your bedroom so that you see it as soon as you wake up.

Pay close attention to the way you feel around other people, friends, family+ co workers included! Optimize your time with the people who leave you smiling and motivated! Extend an invite to a girl pal for coffee, a walk, or invite her to a workout class that you love! (Perhaps one with yours truly). Nourish and grow these relationships and watch how your vibes start to shift!

Start to follow some motivational socials ( and loose the ones that make you compare+ judge). There are a ton of badsass women (+men) out there on Instagram just oozing that good juju!

2. Get ya mind right, Girl!

Etch out at least 5 minutes for peace and quiet. If this means you need to set your alarm 5-10 minutes earlier or sit in your car for 5 minutes before you walk into work…do it ladies! I know it seems basic but these 5-10 minutes of silence or breathing are sometimes just what your mind needs in order to reset and refocus.

Having a clear mind not only fuels your creativity but it also increases your patience threshold. Creativity and patience are the foundational ingredients to any progress in will make towards reaching your goals. (Youtube has some great quick mediation videos that can help guide you. There are a ton of apps in the App store that offer guided breathing and other mindfulness exercises that are only 5-10 minutes max! I use the app “headspace” 10 minutes and you are done!!)

3. Make Time For Personal Development

There seems to be an ENDLESS amount of self help, motivational, lifestyle content oozing from all ends of the internet! There are countless books, podcasts, IG stories, FB live videos, (and much more) to catch a ton of valuable content to fuel your purpose. Spend some time perusing the internet (not mindless scrolling through FB or IG) to find at least 5 people that share your vision and are pursuing their passion, as well. These individuals can be well into their business, or just starting out. Follow their socials, read their books, listen to their podcasts and audiobooks, attend their webinars. Show up for them and watch your confidence grow!

This may seem time consuming, but when you think about it, how much time do you spend driving in your car, or riding the train, or walking to work, during a workout, preparing a meal, etc. Quit the TV ladies!!.. or at least cut back and allow time for at least 30 minutes of time with someone whom you can virtually connect with and soak up all their goodness!

4. Think Small

I know, this goes against everything you read. Do not get hung up on the end product! I know it seems counter intuitive to not focus on the finish line, but believe me, it makes sense… I promise! The reason being is, the “end goal” is often too big that it scares us, thus (unconsciously) prevents us from starting in the first place!

For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, perhaps your little action steps will be to make a consistent effort to exercise 3 times per week. Once these little success add up, you are building your confidence to add more action steps. Perhaps you start prepping your healthy meals for the week and maybe making it to the gym an extra time for a fun class. Then before you know it, your clothes are fitting you a little looser and you’re already down 5 pounds.

Allow yourself small winnable moments where you bask in your success and keep moving towards the “end goal”. Once that momentum builds, you will be unstoppable!

September Goals:

1) DRINK MORE WATER! I know this seems so basic, but I have been slacking. As a result, I notice my skin breaking out more and feeling "hungry" more often!

2) Actively balancing work+side hustle+ family. September is already giving me anxiety as I head back to my full time job as a school counselor. I have been so enthralled with this new endeavor of starting this blog + online consulting. It gives me SO MUCH joy talking goals with my new clients, helping my students at work + spending time with my family!

It will give me life to hear about the goals you're working on this month!

Speak +Think them into existence! Do not stop talking about your goals... Let's manifest together!

We will hold each other accountable!

Go on, girl,

XO, Kat

The Girl's Club!

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